My name is Ruth Marie Paterson. I like coffee and words and big ideas like hope, love and justice. I’m grateful for our Maker who gave us all life, and for God’s word that stands strong even in our culture’s dizzying search for relevance.

Photo by Sarah Stuckless Photography

I write from my farmhouse apartment in Ontario, Canada, where I live with my lovely husband, Andrew, drink a lot of coffee, and try to keep our house plants alive:)

I have a degree in counselling studies, but all through college I was writing poems in the margins of my notes and making outlines for books I wanted to write. One of my profs said, “Your papers are lovely, are you a writer?” And I thought, “Well, maybe I am.”

For a long time, I didn’t take writing seriously. I considered it a pipe dream and a hobby. Then the pandemic hit, and I had time to finish a book and I realized—I am called to write and to dream!

I write because I love to, because I worship God through this medium, and I hope to reach hearts with a little bit of truth and hope.